In marketing strategy courses throughout the country students learn the importance of managing a brand or product by its stage in the product life-cycle. It is drilled into their heads that every product will inexorably move through each stage of the cycle until it is ultimately cast into the dustbin of irrelevancy. They learn that investing heavily in advertising and promotion in a product's introductory and growth stages is an important determinant in whether the new product will get off the ground. They also learn that cutting back ad spend as the product progresses on through maturity and eventual decline is often just as important. But what they don't learn -- perhaps because it countervails existing dogma or simply because it is seen as anomalous -- is that some brands are so indelibly linked to our unique American consciousness that their absence from the marketplace is near unfathomable.
Monday, March 31, 2008
When does a brand become a piece of Americana?
Thursday, March 20, 2008
CI in a Down Economy
We just published our March CI and Strategy newsletter, Looking Out. In it, Karen Rothwell had a piece on the importance of maintaining CI capabilities in a down economy. What role is CI playing in your companies amid the economic uncertainty we are facing? Is CI becoming a more important tool to help navigate through a possible recession, or is the CI function on the budget chopping block?
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
How to Reinvigorate CI Skills
If you'll allow me to indulge a bit, I just want to say that today, I am more physically fit than I ever have been, having just completed a Marine Corps style outdoor boot camp. I performed more push ups, squats and sit ups that I cared to do in one lifetime. Why? Not because a six-foot-tall ex-Marine drill sergeant was yelling at me, but because I decided that my old workout routine wasn't helping me achieve my fitness goals, and that it was time for a change to avoid getting complacent.
Do you rely on the same analytical techniques you have used since college or worse, none at all? Then, it's time to revamp your competitive intelligence "basic training." CI Analysts must constantly look for ways to enhance their skills through different, and more challenging, training. Consider giving your mind a new training regimen that won't involve chin-ups or running but instead a refresher on the basics or an introduction to new tools that will whip it up into the best shape possible, ready for any intelligence challenge that comes your way.
Most of us have experience with some of the core analytical techniques such as Porter's Five Forces analysis. But, what about some of the less popular analysis techniques that provide tremendous value in certain situations? Consider win-loss analysis, a straightforward technique for analyzing what approaches and strategies help your firm win or lose business against competition. Both techniques, and others, can help your company benefit from novel strategic insights that your "tried and true" methods may be failing to deliver.
Friday, March 14, 2008
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Who's going to the SCIP 2008 conference in San Diego (April 14-17, 2008)? What sessions look good? For those who have been to SCIP conferences in the past, how do you think this one will compare to past sessions?
Friday, March 7, 2008
Welcome to Outward Insight's Competitive Intelligence Weblog